Margaret, profile photo
Margaret responded in

What time not 8:00?

Patti, profile photo
Patti responded in

We will be there at 10am

Margaret, profile photo
Margaret responded in

Will be there for 10:00


Can play at 930. Will stay signedup until 845 waiting for others

Tom responded out

Can play at 930. Will stay signedup until 845 waiting for others

Tom responded out

I'm good for 930 but will cancel if we cant find two more players.

Tom responded out

may be last good pickleball mrning of the year


Last call


lack of quorum

Margaret, profile photo
Margaret responded in

Can we make time 9:30?

Margaret, profile photo
Margaret responded in

Can we make time 9:30 to warmup can do earlier if not low forties

Peijin, profile photo

I could do that but we would all need to since we only have 4


930 works for me

Tom responded in

Mary w. are you actually in? it looks like you RSVP'd on June5?


am still planning on 930. already pretty warm

Margaret, profile photo
Margaret responded in

What time guys?

Margaret, profile photo
Margaret responded in

What time guys? I’ll be there 9:15

Tom responded out

planning 930. will pull out if not more players by tomorrow am

Margaret, profile photo
Margaret responded in

Later 9:30?

David, profile photo

That sounds good

Valerie, profile photo

9/ 9:30 sounds OK


930 for me


I'll be there between 9:30-9:45.

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