Following a harsh winter, there are several new large cracks on the Memorial Park courts. It is clear that something needs to be done, the sooner the better. The selectboard has asked Parks & Rec Director Matt Frazee to make a presentation concerning the courts at the March 26 Selectboard meeting which starts at 5:30 in the Akeley Memorial Building. The Stowe Pickleball Coordinating Committee urges you to attend to show your support for court renovations. For those who cannot attend in person, the Zoom link is
Hoping to see you all there!
I’ll be there on zoom! There must be another small parcel of land that would be more suitable for
Pickleball — it wouldn’t take much! A corner of an existing event field perhaps? Switch the tennis courts and the parking lot below the skating center if this is a dryer area? You’d have to dig up the courts anyway if you’re going to try and rebuild which isn’t a good idea unless the wetlands issue is addressed.
The Selectboard Meeting starts at 5:00PM and the pickleball courts project is on at 5:15.
For those who cannot attend in person, the Zoom link is
Hoping to see you all there!
My bad - It's the 4/2/25 Recreation COmmission meeting that starts at 5:00.
What time not 8:00?
We will be there at 10am
Will be there for 10:00
Can play at 930. Will stay signedup until 845 waiting for others
Can play at 930. Will stay signedup until 845 waiting for others
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