I'm good for 930 but will cancel if we cant find two more players.
may be last good pickleball mrning of the year
Last call
lack of quorum
Can we make time 9:30?
Can we make time 9:30 to warmup can do earlier if not low forties
I could do that but we would all need to since we only have 4
930 works for me
Mary w. are you actually in? it looks like you RSVP'd on June5?
am still planning on 930. already pretty warm
What time guys?
What time guys? I’ll be there 9:15
planning 930. will pull out if not more players by tomorrow am
Later 9:30?
That sounds good
9/ 9:30 sounds OK
930 for me
I'll be there between 9:30-9:45.
Can we make later so it’s a little warmer?
We're playing at 1pm
You're playing tomorrow at 1pm? Count me in!
I can play this morning with my tennis friend from Florida
I’ll be there today at 1 too!
Patti and I can be there at 9:30
5 of us will be there at 9:30am if anyone else wants to join in!
Playing this morning 9:30 or so
With Joe, Patti, Tonya and friend
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